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  • Writer's pictureZoe

My Plain Jane: Book Review

I honestly cannot recommend Jane Eyre highly enough, so I agreed to pick up this retelling if my friend promised to read the classic. As I took it home with me, I was just a teensy, tiny bit skeptical. I believe "insult to literature" and "Charlotte Brontë would roll over in her grave" were among my first thoughts. As I began to read, however, this witty, whimsical take on one of my favorite novels captured my heart. Weaving in never-before-seen characters (including a lovely take on the Brontës), The Lady Janies add unexpected twists to the time-honored tale, sneaking in delightful quips and supernatural means. I take points off because of the absence of one of my very favorite parts (no spoilers!) and the whirlwind romance in the last chapter (again: no spoilers!). This unique novel is such a fun read with a little bit for everyone. I'll be re-reading until the next book comes out!


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